Teatro Azteca

 Teatro Azteca

Marchers gathered outside of the Azteca Theater for a mass meeting during the march to Sacramento, Fresno, CA, 1966. Photo by John Kouns.

Owned by Arturo Tirado, the Teatro Azteca in Fresno was a haven for predominantly Mexican farm workers in the Central Valley to enjoy films on the big screen. Tirado owned the Teatro Azteca from 1956 to 1980 and it enjoyed great success by screening films from the Mexican Golden Age of cinema.

The illuminated Azteca Theater sign during the march to Sacramento, Fresno, CA, 1966. Photo by John Kouns.

Unlike other theaters that showed films in both English and Spanish, the Teatro Azteca screened movies exclusively in Spanish because Tirado booked them from Mexico City. As time went on, the Teatro Azteca turned from an entertainment venue to more of a community center, with Arturo Tirado helping members of the community with immigration, taxes, and social security.
Felipe Cantú, Agustín Lira, Luis Valdez, Gilbert Rubio singing on stage at Teatro Azteca during the march to Sacramento, Fresno, 1966

Felipe Cantú, Agustín Lira, Luis Valdez, Gilbert Rubio singing on stage at Teatro Azteca during the march to Sacramento, Fresno, 1966

Felipe Cantú, Agustín Lira, Luis Valdez, and Gilbert Rubio singing on stage as Teatro Campesino at Teatro Azteca during the march to Sacramento, Fresno 1966. The audience of marchers that night, around 1000 attendees, drove into Fresno for the meeting. They attended mass and then listened to the Plan of Delano, read by Luis Valdez. El Teatro Campesino then performed three actos: “Governor Brown,” “The Drunk Esquirol,” and “The Mink Bikini.”

When César Chávez and farm workers marched from Delano to Sacramento in 1966, Arturo Tirado asked two of his friends, Fresno mayor Floyd Hyde and chief of police Henry Morton, to ensure a safe welcome to the marchers, who had been attacked with dogs by city police in Tulare.

Luis Valdez speaking at a rally at Teatro Azteca during the march to Sacramento, Fresno, 1966. Photo by John Kouns.


Tom & Ethel Bradley Center
California State University, Northridge

18111 Nordhoff Street, Northridge, CA 91330
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