Secondary boycott

Secondary boycott

NFWA strikers picketing in front of a store. California, ca. 1966. Photo by Emmon Clarke.

Farmworkers could do secondary boycotts—running campaigns against companies that are not abusing workers but that sell products of companies that do, a form of workers’ solidarity.

Strikers picketing Mill Valley Pharmacy. Mill Valley, ca. 1966. Photo by Emmon Clarke.

This practice was not allowed by law. In 1947 the Taft-Hartley Labor Act amended the National Labor Relation Act and restricted labor unions from using this practice (and another act in 1959 would strengthen this restriction even more). But because farmworkers had been excluded from the NLRA, for them the secondary boycott was a tool they could use.

Men picketing. Fresno, ca. 1966. Photo by Emmon Clarke.

The NFWA (later the UFWOC and the UFW) boycotted Safeway and Mayfair stores that sold scab table grapes and lettuce. In June of 1966, Schenley signed a contract with the NFWA after the secondary boycott.


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California State University, Northridge

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