Marcos Muñoz

Marcos Muñoz

Marcos Muñoz (wearing a suit jacket) picketing in front of Irvin Goldberg’s packing shed, Delano, October 15, 1966. Photo by Emmon Clarke.

Marcos Muñoz (1941-2021) was born in Ciudad Acuña, Mexico, one of six children. He left Mexico unescorted at age 13 for Texas, where he worked on a ranch for room and board. The migrant trail led Muñoz to California where he joined the 1965 Delano grape strike as a picket captain. César Chávez sent him to organize the grape boycott in Boston in 1967 with only a supporter’s name and phone number. Within two years Muñoz, who was illiterate, cleaned grapes out of all national and regional supermarket chains across New England.

Marcos was dispatched to Chicago as Midwest boycott coordinator during the second grape boycott in 1973. There he also dramatically cut grape sales, producing California’s 1975 farm labor law. He settled in Chicago, where he organized 45 block clubs in Latino neighborhoods.

Marcos Muñoz standing in front of a truck that ran over Manuel Rivera, Delano, October 15, 1966. Photo by Emmon Clarke.


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California State University, Northridge

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