Goldberg Strike

Goldberg Strike

Strikers picket in front of Irving Goldberg & Sons Company. Delano, California, October 1966. Photo by Emmon Clarke.

Field workers picking grapes for Goldberg, Mossesian, and Houringa started a strike in September. Goldberg and his partners didn’t own any land in Delano, instead, their workers picked, packed, and sold grapes acquired from Schenley Industries. As a result, the workers at Goldberg demanded to be covered by the Schenley contract. When Goldberg refused to negotiate, workers signed up with the United Farm Workers Organizing Committee (UFWOC) and went on strike. On October 14, the entire crew of 26 women working at Goldberg’s packing shed in Delano walked out, electing Juanita Gonzales and Carlota Fieros as their representatives. Together with Dolores Huerta, Gonzales and Fieros started negotiations with Goldberg.
Lidia and Juanita Gonzales attending a NFWA meeting, Delano, ca. 1966

(L-R) Juanita Gonzales, Lidia Gonzales, and other women attend a United Farm Workers Organizing Committee (UFWOC) meeting at Filipino Hall. Delano, California, October 1966. Photo by Emmon Clarke.

Dolores Huerta picketing Irving Goldberg & Sons Company, Delano, ca. 1966

Dolores Huerta shakes hands with a man during a picket in front of Irving Goldberg & Sons Company. Delano, California, October 1966. Photo by Emmon Clarke.

Portrait of striker Juanita Gonzales at a picket, Delano, ca. 1966

Portrait of striker Juanita Gonzales at a picket line outside of an Irving Goldberg and Sons Company packing shed. She holds a sign that reads, “UFWOC AFL-CIO Picket.” Delano, California, October, 1966. Photo by Emmon Clarke.


Tom & Ethel Bradley Center
California State University, Northridge

18111 Nordhoff Street, Northridge, CA 91330
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